7 things you need to consider when investing in commercial plots in Raipur

Purchasing a commercial property for sale in Raipur is a cost-effective move, especially if you plan to operate your own company from it. But it is extremely important to take into account a few important factors before choosing to make any purchases. None should be disregarded because you believe it is not important or won’t ever have an impact on your business. 

They all need to be carefully examined. Wouldn’t it be great to know what to look for before purchasing commercial properties? So, in order to make your buying process easier, here are the top seven things you should think about before buying commercial property for sale in Raipur:

1. Examine the neighbourhood 

Location is crucial because a Premium commercial space in Raipur can generate returns through both rent and capital growth, and there may be some areas that are more affected by the economic downturn than others. Both of which are very location-dependent.

Functional connectivity via land, rail, or water transport is additionally required for the business to operate successfully.

2. Conduct thorough research

The most important aspect of it all must be the research into the Premium commercial space in Raipur. Consider long-term forecasts for the area where you are viewing properties to see if there are any factors that could help or hurt property values in the future.

It is not time wasted to spend a good deal of it finding the ideal location for your new company. The most crucial component of finding a property is research.

3. Keep accessibility in mind

While choosing a commercial property in Raipur, user-friendly services like parking, elevators, security, etc. must be carefully considered. Parking spaces are things that are simple to overlook. Employees have options for getting to work if the property is close to any type of public transportation, like a train station or a bus stop.

However, if your business is located in a rural area, a parking lot is a valuable asset for both your staff and your customers. 

4. Be realistic

We must realise that it is not entirely appropriate to expect too much too soon, particularly when it comes to a commercial property in Raipur. We must approach it from a business perspective in order to avoid falling for the trap.

Being constantly informed of    your financing options is the best approach for buying a commercial property. For which you’ll patiently and thoroughly research the market. By doing this, you’ll not only be aware of the opportunities, but you’ll also be prepared to seize them and profit from them. Take a long-term business perspective on it.

5. Keep an eye out for additional fees

One of the unstated costs that almost all properties have is the maintenance and operation of the building. These potential expenses must be calculated, discussed beforehand, and addressed in the actual “contract.” 

6. Sort tenants

A good tenant is essential and helpful to raising a commercial property’s value. Include and seek out multinational corporations, and stay away from unproven, small businesses. A good, responsible tenant will be with you for a long period of time, pay rent on time, and make larger deposits. It is crucial to have a trustworthy tenant.

7. Don’t miss the minute structural information

Always estimate any potential future maintenance needs for the Premium commercial space in raipur. Always check to make sure the property has no undiscovered flaws. Examine the building’s condition, the fibre connections, and the cell phone coverage. the facilities, like air conditioning. Confirm that the property is free of any undiscovered flaws.


It’s critical to search for flexible spaces when viewing Premium commercial space in raipur. Your company will inevitably continue to grow and change while you own the property, which is a fact. Finding a location that can be altered over time to suit your business is crucial.

You can benefit greatly from them if you invest the time and effort necessary to comprehend commercial property investments. The location, research, and finances, however, should always come first. If in doubt, it’s still a good idea to consult an expert.

Steps by Step Guide for Commercial Property for Sale in Raipur

Steps by Step Guide for Commercial Property for Sale in Raipur

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4 Ways to Find the Best Shop for Rent Near Me - Raipur

4 Ways to Find the Best Shop for Rent Near Me – Raipur

Renting commercial spaces is not an easy task for business owners. Often get lost while searching for commercial properties in google? 

Shriram Business Park offers a simple step by step guide for you to get your own commercial properties or plots.  

Unlike residential properties, commercial real estate does not have a single stop for “shops to rent near me” 

So to make this process easier and to find the best commercial shops for rent in Raipur, as renting a retail location will be one of your largest business operational costs, it is wise to plan to get the best shop for rent. When looking for a shop to rent, keep the following criteria in mind: 

1. Decide a set budget– your budget will affect a lot of other factors including:   

a ) Convenience  –

You might anticipate paying extra for a lease if a shop for rent is in a convenient location with other small shops, parking, and so on.

b ) Location

When looking for a shop for rent in Raipur, everyone will want a location with a high footfall. Therefore, renting space in busy shopping areas will boost the cost of the lease.

c) Lease term

Taking out a long lease (more than a year) may allow you to negotiate a lower price. 

2. Narrow down your requisites- decide the required area along with the amenities to filter out your search for shops that you want to rent.

3. Know your surroundings –

a) Search the net- 

If you’re just starting out, you might not need the assistance of a broker to find commercial property. Perhaps you simply want to check what’s on the market and alternatively, get a sense of rent prices.

Using Magicbricks and 99acres to scrape the surface and become acquainted with the market is a solid starting point.

These internet sites may not offer all of the information you need to make a decision, but they will provide you with enough to get you comfortably educated.

b) Survey the area around your market –

Another technique to find commercial space for rent is to drive about the regions where you want to launch your business.

You may even want to walk about your area, depending on where your potential clients live.

Pay attention to buildings with boarded-up windows or that appear to have no automobiles parked in the lot during busy hours.

There will also be “for lease” signs in the windows, frequently with a phone number. Keep an eye out while browsing for options.

4. Identify the right people to help with your search –


You can look for a store place to rent on your own. However, due to the large stakes involved, you should prefer to hire a commercial real estate broker to help you with the “shop for rent near me” searches.

a) Commercial real estate broker- 

They specialize in leasing and selling commercial property, including office, retail, and industrial space.

Your commercial real estate broker, in addition to your commercial attorney, will be your professional adviser throughout the leasing process.

Because commercial real estate lacks a listing database, brokers are your best source for what is available and what may become available in your market for the best openings in Raipur.

Not only will your commercial real estate broker be able to assist you in finding space, but they will also be able to assist you in negotiating your lease so that you know you’re receiving the best bargain available.

Brokers can assist in negotiating rental prices, build out allowances, rent abatement periods, and a variety of other issues.

The best part about hiring a commercial real estate broker to represent your business?

It won’t cost you a dime. Just like residential real estate, the property owner pays your  broker’s fee.

b) Connect with other Business owners – 

In your shortlisted areas, talk to the pre- existing business owners. Business owners that are already in the neighborhood or location where you want to rent commercial space might be a fantastic resource.

They’ll generally be aware of what’s available or will be available shortly in the vicinity.

Small company owners and entrepreneurs are like a family, especially in certain neighborhoods. “I’ll still swing by and ask what’s going on in the area” – they’ll often hear rumblings about space becoming available early on.

They also have previous experience as a tenant with several landlords in the neighborhood and can quickly give you a thumbs up or thumbs down on that relationship.

Amazing Commercial Shop For Sale In Raipur’s Industrial Hub

When looking for a shop for sale in Raipur, there are certain criteria that you may have in mind, without which your interest in the place would slump. If you need value for money with commercial real estate investment India look no further than Shriram Business Park.


Shriram Business Park is an independent, intelligent and integrated project that exhibits a rare mix of high-end living and world-class business amenities that is capable of catering to the elite market of Central India.


While builders in Raipur are plenty, none have so far been able to execute a business cum residential township. Shriram Business Park exemplifies the goals of a modern commercial park while promoting the rich legacy of Chhattisgarh.


The term ‘first impressions are last impressions’ could not be more true when thinking about commercial spaces. The entrance to an establishment makes or breaks the first impression of your business and greatly effects or affects your chances of making a sale. Entrances of grandeur welcome you to Shriram Business Park while leaving a promising impression upon the mind of the potential customer. 


The 30 meter wide road dissects the park while leading the customer to entrances and open courts, leaving a lasting impression of order within flamboyantly painted courtyards and lavish landscaping.


As an investor looking at property investment, you would want to look at a commercial shop for sale that is built with a shopping enthusiast in mind. A space that is capable of leaving a lasting impression with the elevation of the external facade alone. Shriram Business Park houses a variety of retail shops that boast multiple levels with wide open spaces for the customers to wander around without casting a feeling of claustrophobia. 


The Central Plaza at Shriram Business Park is a space that is capable of pulling crowds with its beautifully designed open spaces and plans to house container restaurants and handicraft stores. The amphitheater and event spaces lend this area a dynamic crowd pulling charm.


Navigating through Raipur is usually done with privately owned transport. Owing to this fact, having a commercial plot that can house your customers’ vehicles while they patronize your establishment is a point of high priority. Shriram Business Park facilitates parking of three types to suit the convenience of your customers. On road parking in front of the commercial shops helps customers with a quick option to quickly pick up what is the need of the hour and dash. Shriram Business Park houses a standalone parking building that allows customers to park vehicles securely with mechanically enabled vehicle elevators in a standalone structure that protects their vehicle from the elements. Along with on-road and standalone parkings, various parking spaces have been created within Shriram Business Park to distribute the density of parked vehicles.
